Tadpoles, how beautiful a little pond can be…

Somewhere nearby, probably at the edge of the pond in the grass it hides. Always ready to jump and to find safety in time. Should I ever get dangerously close to it. Sometimes it escaped me by the skin of its teeth. But usually it was long gone before I even got within reach. To even get close enough to it, I not only had to be very quiet. I was also not allowed to move jerkily.

These are the first few sentences of my first story. Unfortunately the story is completely in German, because I didn’t have enough time to translate it. I will do in the future, when I have enough time. Enjoy reading the story and enjoy your weekend.

More about this topic…

Errors, Business and other Experiments

error 262 Logo
error262, what else?

Dear friends and followers,

after weeks of restructuring, planning, trying out and testing I now finally separate my two blogs thematically. On christianzich.com you will find in the future mainly my business topics: Marketing 4.0, Personal Branding and maybe one or the other story about the THD. On error262.com on the other hand, my artistic self may express itself, the main topics are music, art and a few stories around the two topics just mentioned.

In the course of this rebuilding I also separated some social media accounts thematically, on Facebook I revived my old, for years closed down fan page and reserved a new fan page for my artistic me. Also on Instagram there will be 2 accounts in the future. Furthermore I discovered completely new platforms, like Medium, Torial, Bloglovin and Reddit. It only causes effort in setting up and at the end of the summer my blogs might be a bit more known, I have produced audio-visual internet pollution again and have a few more karma points.

With all this tinkering I am pursuing another goal. In the winter term I will offer for the first time a thematic extension of my VHB course “Djing, Skill Management and the Secrets of Personal Branding”. With this offer I would like to kill 2 different birds with one stone. The students should learn to promote themselves better. In addition, however, every future marketer should have a sound knowledge of digital marketing. And how do I best learn this? Not by just stuffing myself with theory, but by applying it. The basic idea of the extension is relatively simple. In small groups, students should run a blog for a certain period of time and then experience for themselves how difficult it is nowadays to get likes, comments and interactions.

It will be an exciting pilot project, I’m sure. Stay tuned, I’ll keep you updated.

Welcome to error262

error262 logo


  • An Error262 will appear and crash all current cognitive activities completely. Your brain stutters frequently showing Error 262 whilst running the daily activities.
  • Your cognitive processes are running slowly, processing visual and/or acoustic input is sluggish.
  • Your brain will occasionally ‘freeze’ for a period of time. Probably you’ ve been staring emptily into space. error262 can also cause memory gaps. You might not remember what you did in the last hour.
  • Very often response times to inquiries from your surroundings will lag.

Error 262 can occur when your mental integity becomes corrupted and you urgently need relaxation. Over the time, you may experience an icreasing number of crashes and freezes. There can be numerous causes of this error:

  • workload too high
  • wrong job
  • stupid, self-indulgent bosses
  • identification with the organization you’re working for. (You’ll be always betrayed by the representatives of the organization. Why? Because they are what they are. And your goals might be different from your bosses’ goals.)
  • Inefficient organization, unnecessary or redundant meetings, nerving colleagues, stupid routines/jobs and so on…


Career, identification with an organization, self-realization through work? Give it a shit! Relax, party, dance, different realities. This is the message behind error262! A blog, a collection of stories, a few DJ sets, a little bit about music. I hope you will enjoy it. If not, give it a shit!

Stay tuned. More…