“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
„Humanity, you never had it to begin with.“
Charles Bukowski
I continue to be simply speechless. I grew up with the cold war and was glad when it more or less ended in the early nineties of the last century. Those were decades of peace in Europe. Until now.
Apparently, this was a deceptive peace, because with Russia’s attack on Ukraine, I realized that the old thinking, the quest for supremacy of certain nations and the continuation of politics by other means are not things of the past.
It is so unjust for a state the size of Russia to simply attack a smaller neighbor and wipe that state out. Just like I always thought it was unfair that in the schoolyard the older, bigger students beat up the smaller ones. I just hope that the Western world doesn’t ease all the sanctions again in a few months and go back to business as usual.
And I hope that humanity will eventually come to its senses and put violence to rest. But probably Charles Bukowski is right after all.
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