Sunday, 8.5.2022 3:20 am. Straubing, near the Café sorgenfrei.

On the street, two lonely sneakers lie in the entrance of a store. How did these sneakers get there?
Variant number 1: who am I, what am I doing here? And why I’m wearing sneaker?
The owner of these sneakers was out in Straubing that evening, looked deep into his beer glass and found himself in the entrance of this store sometime during the night, probably in a rather deranged state. After staring at my car for half an hour, completely lost, he asked himself: who am I, what am I doing here? And then: why am I still wearing shoes? After another 30 minutes, in order to avoid the answer to this question, the owner decided to simply take off his shoes. He then walked home in socks.
Variant number 2: I danced the whole evening in the sorgenfrei, now my feet are hurting. F***ing sneakers.
The owner of these sneakers partied with me at sorgenfrei. After almost 3 hours of dancing, her feet hurt so much that she took off her shoes in indignation. Her friends were already waiting in the car and asked her to finally get in to go home. So she got in. Completely dismayed, the friends then asked: don’t you want to take your shoes with you? To which she replied: if my feet hurt like this when I dance, then my shoes and I will now go our separate ways.
I could now think of several variations, one of which would probably be more blatant than the other. And that’s why I’ll stop thinking about any nonsense now. But the fact is, when I got into my car at this hour, I was really happy. Why? 1. finally DJing again, without mask, without distance. 2. the dance floor was full. 3. the guests celebrated more enthusiastically than they had in a long time. A successful weekend, 10 out of 10 points.
djing and more…
- The lonely sneakers
- tante techno’s tea time – dj set april 2022.
- house altar – dj set march 2022.
- Open the Noise Stage! The end of the lockdown is near! Once again?
- tante techno’s tea time – dj set february 2022.
- house altar – dj set february 2022.
- tante techno’s tea time – dj set january 2022.
- house altar – dj set december 2021.
- tante techno’s tea time – dj set october 2021.
- Personal Branding for DJs.